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January 31, 2015: Torpor Jr.

Torpor didn’t slow me down today. Rather, I was just plain tired. The one bit of solace in such instances is that when I’m burnt to a mental crisp, I tend to sleep better the following night. There is no such thing as a sleep deprivation program –you lose hours you have to make them up. It’s the law.

I remember pulling two all-nighters in college; not because I had to but because I wanted to. I was then very studious and had excellent time management skills. The first time was the first semester of my first year of college. I stayed up all night studying for a soils science exam. I’d hoped to pull up my C grade. I did not. I would have gotten the same grade had I earlier gotten the requisite number of zzzzs.

The above image came up when spell checking "shivasan" on Google

The second time – I was going to school at the University of New Hampshire, in Durham, NH. I stayed up all night making pottery in my ceramics class. I didn’t include anything that I made that night in my final portfolio.

I cannot take naps in the daytime. No siree; however tired I am is how tired I will remain. This was one of those days.

I sleep sporadically. Always have, always will. My biographer, Christopher Benson, recently sent me an email saying he’s been diagnosed with sleep apnea and has been experiencing 50 waking events per week, some with over thirty seconds of non-breathing. He wrote “I was totally clueless, but this has been going on for some time. I started three year go having my heart racing, which is why the doc finally sent me for a sleep study. I have a breathing machine now. I strap it on every night with a chin strap and a long tube connecting my nose to the machine. In just a week, I’m addicted to the thing, so it must be working. I don’t look my sexiest; however, in this get up I still feel like Captain America with a hard on.”

So there you have it. I think that the trick is to make health shit sound interesting and upbeat and humorous and not drone on and on about it the way some, like do. I would just as soon find other things to talk about, like horses.

Today was a good horse day. Temperatures climbed a bit. It was a little breezy. I decided to just go for short rides on Tinni and Raudi. I ended up first going for what became longer ride on Tinni. For sure, I was also just going to do a short ride on Raudi, but I ended up doing the same route that I did on Tinni. As has been my case all winter, my rationale was that I ought to get in a longer ride today because the weather might preclude my riding tomorrow. You just never know.

I came home, and worked on a job application for Southern Utah University. I’m hoping to get the Butte job, but it’s quite good to have irons in the fire. I’m including the first thirty pages of If Wishes were Horses as my writing sample. A wise choice because I talk about how we wound up here.

I was going to bow out of going to yoga, but at the last minute I took a shower and headed out the door. The class was quite crowded, and the guy next to me needed a bath. Still, I’m glad I did this because, again, the focus was on the psoas muscles. A number of times I nearly fell asleep. Had the shivasan gone on any longer, I would have fallen into a deep sleep.

Popcorn for dinner. I do this when I’m tired and there isn’t much around to eat.

I now have to type this up. I’ll let this go and tend to the animals .Then I’ll go back inside and go to sleep. No book reading this evening.

I’ll feel real good tomorrow. I’m looking forward to this. At least I still bounce back after dealing with these kinds of thing.

Next: 32. 2/1/15: Stupor Bowl Sunday

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