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June 14, 2017: Off they all Go

Today our three out-of-state visitors, Colleen, Corinne, and Margo headed back east. I had to get the chores done last night at a very late hour, and could not be as personable as I’d liked to have been. More than anything, I wanted to sit down and join them all for a cup of tea, but I had to tend to the horses and milk the goat.

Colleen also erred in suggesting she ride Raudi when I was having trouble with her. I was surprised by my response, which was an unequivocal no. I also bristled when my leadership role in relation to my horse was brought into question by the three. Raudi is Raudi – I am her rider – and I don’t take kindly to others passing udgement about

me in relation to her behavior.

The first two two-day clinics and the Anatomy in Motion demonstration are now behind us. Two three-day clinics are ahead – these are the trails clinic and the equitation clinic.

Susan didn’t get anyone to sign on for private lessons. Peggy got three to sign on for her driving lessons. Ruth, with Curly Sue, Sarah with Spiffy, and Will with his two Halflinger hitch. Beforehand, I talked with Mimi (Will’s partner). Had a great conversation about her training as a veterinary technician. In the absence of a program she put one together and got the job done. This was something that I could not have done, and I commended her for this.

Mimi and I walked down road, to where the buggies were. Susan had stayed put in the car. She and Mimi talked for a long time about common horsey friends and interests, and then I talked with Susan about the previous night’s meeting. In the interim Susan drew a beautiful illustration of Ruth’s horses, which were standing by her trailer.

I was quick to point out that the reason why Susan is such an astute instructor and judge of horse conformation is because she is also an illustrator. This made sense to both of us.

I watched Will and Sarah’s lessons from the road and from the vantage point of the car. Will had a problem with his horses being too forward and Mimi had a problem with her horse being too backwards. I chose the middle ground and decided to tag along when Ruth was in the midst of her lesson. Best thing I could have done – I learned so much.

Peggy invited me to hang on the back of Ruth’s cart. I got to be navigator and spectator. Very cool to see how cart drivers might put the four Centered Riding basics to use. For instance, soft eyes plays a key role. You have to be watchful when driving. And voice – you can’t use leg aids, so a well-timed “and whoa . . .” is essential. Makes me want to take up driving – almost.

Next: 162. 6/14/17: Neighborhood Fire

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