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October 22, 2017: Dream Big

We got our first real snow last night. Flurries this evening, woke up this morning to see about an inch on the ground. Just in time, after yesterday’s final clean up. There were, of course, still some things left undone, for instance we left the pallet enclosure off the compost station, and of course the horses, led by Moo Moo (Hrimmi) went over to the snack bar and helped themselves. I let them into the paddock and they then feasted on the good stuff.

We did get out for a ride today – it was cold, but the sun was shining brightly. The trail is frozen, has a dusting of snow, but is chewed up – we need a few inches so that the horses have a smoother surface to walk on.

Pete and Hrimmi pony Tinni

In the first go-around, I rode Tyra and Pete rode Hrimmi. In the second go-around I rode Raudi and ponied Tinni. Temps in the 20s, have to now wear winter gear – can’t shirk on the outer layers.

Hrimmi still stops periodically on our trail. Today Pete first said that he didn’t think she’d be up for a long trip. And then later he said that she might be a good pack horse. I did not say what I was thinking, which is that if she was a pack horse, she might continue to stop every 440 yards or so.

What to do? Well, I am going to up the amount of time that I spend with her, mainly doing Intrinzen work. I can work with her every day in the arena and also take her out. I would like to train her to pull a cart.

But this is the big dream part. The Intrinzen team may be moving to Lopez Island in the San Juans. Maybe they’ll take her for a year and Steinar might work with her. I just don’t have the level of expertise needed to get her where I know she can be. This would be life-saving for her. Hrimmi would get the absolute best training. Of this, I am sure. There would be no better place for her to be if we chose to go this route. This is a big dream.

I have been doing a lot of image-related work – mostly in the area of physical alignment. It is brain based, very powerful – and amazingly, it works. I am now wondering if a reliance on creative visualization; that is, imagining Hrimmi in this setting, might also work. It’s worth giving a try. I should also imagine her here, moving freely under saddle in a more self-assured manner. For now, I’ll keep working with her. Maybe, just maybe, there will be a ferry ride in her future.

Next: 293.10/23/17: Thinking about Rainbow in Seeing a Rainbow

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