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November 20, 2019: Checking in on Tinni

The following conversation took place shortly after Tinni reached into the full compost bucket sitting on the tack room steps, grabbed an orange, and then, when I went to take it away from him, raced around the yard, chomping on it.

Alys: Sorry I have to take the orange.
Tinni: So am I. It was quite juicy.
A: I was worried you might choke on it.
T: You worry quite a bit.
A: Yes, because horses are accidents waiting to happen.
T: I beg your pardon?
A: Horses, they get into things they should not.
T: Like Hrimmi and Tyra in the compost station?

Dr Zach, Tinni, and Pete
Dr Zach, Tinni, and Pete

A: Yes. You know, horses cannot throw up what they eat. It either stays put or comes out the other end.
T: You don’t say.
A: I do say.
T: Well, I was not going to eat the orange in its entirety.
A: How was I to know this?
T: You could have asked.
A: Your mouth was full, so you could not answer.
T: You just should have assumed that I would not swallow it whole.
A: Like I said, horses are accidents waiting to happen. I can’t assume anything.
T: You worry so much about us all – is it worth it having us around?
A: Ohh yes. You all bring me great joy.
T: Sounds like a mixed bag to me.
A: That it is. Hey, you seem to be feeling pretty good now.
T: Yes, I am feeling much better.
A: You weren’t feeling good?
T: No. Whatever it was, it made me feel as though I was lacking in energy.
A: You have Cushing’s Disease.
T: And this tired me out?
A: Yes. We are now giving you a drug called Peroglide.
T: Is this the stuff Pete’s been giving me in the syringe?
A: Yes.
T: It tastes so good. Very sweet.
A: Far better than the injections you are getting.
T: Far better.
A: Those I.M. injections are for your arthritis. We are giving you a drug called Summit.
T: And as you said before, you are putting glucosamine and MSM in with my beet pulp slurpy.
A: Yes. Hey, I have a question for you. Are your teeth bugging you?
T: Yes, a little bit.
A: Would you like them pulled?
T: Absolutely not.
A: Well, you let me know if the pain gets unbearable and we’ll then talk with Dr. Kaiser about what to do next.
T: I like Dr. Kaiser. He always gives me his full attention when he examines me.
A: Yes. And he likes you too.
T: And I like Josh, our farrier.
A: Yes, he does a good job.
T: I do feel as though I’m in good hands here.
A: Even if I worry too much?
T: Yes, even if you worry too much.
A: You are so loved.
T: You tell us all this.
A: I love you ponies all equally.
T: And we do love you – even when you fret.
A: I’ll try and relax some. It’ll be easier now that you’re better.
T: This is a good idea. Having horses is not supposed to stress owners out.
A: Understood.
T: Now, can I have that orange back?

Next: 322. 11/21/19: The Bright Lights Book Project

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