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September 17, 2020: Birthday Blues

I am now of the age in which in terms of numbers, I exceed the speed limit. I never expected this to happen. And now, I am in the twilight of my years. Imagine that. I am wiser because I’m older, the two should not go hand-in-hand but they do. This is life’s greatest unfairness.

Pete said he did not get me a present because (and he posed this as a question) what do you get a woman who has everything? He’s right. I have numerous animals and live in a semi-rural quiet place.

Some things are lacking. My sister is my only remaining close relative, except for my Uncle Bob who is now 102. We should all be so lucky. So hers was the only phone call. And still, I am not pulling my weight around here money-wise. The good

The eagle has landed

part about this is that I don’t have to deal with the angst that accompanies retirement.

Today, then, was a day just like most others. It was raining hard this morning. Nevertheless, we got photos of Tyra for Synergist Saddles – she is going to need to have work done on her saddle. I then took her for a walk. Without missing a beat, I then took Tinni and Hrimmi for a walk.

Hrimmi made it clear to me that she wants to be a driving horse. So tomorrow we will begin the process of honoring her wish. I’ll ground drive her and maybe we’ll hook her to a cart.

Later, after cleaning the kitchen, I took Ryder and Shadow for a walk. This was in part to get Shadow calmer prior to puppy class. It worked in reverse. She tired Ryder out and had plenty of energy left to spare.

Puppy Class was the high point of my day. Shadow, who has been rather reserved around other dogs, at the beginning of class, during puppy play time, bounded out and began racing around with her classmates, Hades, a bull terrier, Laddie, a shaggy dog of some kind, Bentley, a welsh corgi, and a black lab that I still don’t know the name of.

Every so often, we’d call Shadow back to us – and she’d come racing back in our direction. Way fun. We also worked on going through an agility tunnel and practiced the use of hand signals. Shadow didn’t have any problems with any of it.

The days are now getting shorter – bummer – I had just enough time before and after dinner to pick the near last of the raspberries, get the cabbage leaves in a muck bucket (they are going into the compost station) and tend to the animals.

The goats and horses raced around with considerable abandon – Tyra going around the yard at a full gallop.

Buckwheat is now somewhat aggressive. The look in his eyes, which is one of intense distain, scares me. I hope he soon finds himself in a place where he can fuck to his heart’s content. This must be what goat heaven is all about.

Tomorrow will be much like today, except for the fact that I’ll be that much wiser than I was today.

Next: 258. 9/18/20: The Third Person

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