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October 21, 2020: My Ongoing Dental History, Continued

I do know how boring dental histories can be, I have had to listen to those who, thinking such things are interesting, go on and on ad nauseum. This is when I find myself stifling several yawns. I clench my teeth together, and if need be, I cover my mouth with my hands. The yappers, oblivious to me, just keep jabbering. I can hardly say as I blame them – there’s often a lot to talk about for dogsakes.

I try to be considerate and keep my dental details to myself. It’s difficult because I have a lot going on. I could fill a book with my stories. But I am going to stay mum, and just once in a while, like today, provide my two or three readers with a dental update. If they fall asleep reading said dispatches, it’s all for the better. The more sleep we get, the healthier we will be.

I’d been dreading going to the endodontist since I made today’s appointment, three weeks ago. I could have gotten in on that day but got confused when they said it would be at

their Wasilla office. I did not know that where I was standing was their Wasilla office. I still don’t know why they didn’t say that the appointment would be here, meaning the place where I was making my appointment.

I had been referred to the endodontist because my general practitioner dentist accidently determined that one of my teeth is being reabsorbed into the bone. He said that a specialist would be able to determine the severity and what should be done.

So today, I went to the endodontist and had the tooth checked out. The receptionist and the assistant were very nice people. The assistant saw that I had a book in hand and she told me that she and her children are readers. I then began telling her about the Bright Lights Book Project. The connection calmed me down some.

She took an x-ray. The endodontist looked at it and in less than 30 seconds told me what I already knew, which was the tooth was being reabsorbed into the bone.

I knew this was what he was going to say. He then tested the area around the tooth, putting a cold dental probe next to the tooth. I figured that if I was sensitive to cold that this meant that something would have to be done to the tooth. I was sensitive to cold, he said this was good. He didn’t say why. He examined the area around the tooth then said to me that this problem could be long or short term, there was no way of knowing. He added that the tooth will need to come out when it begins to hurt.

I was then sent to the front desk where I arranged to have the insurance company pay my bill. I was of course pleased with the news, for the longer I can hang on to my teeth the better. But I was, and remain, on edge because my mouth is now a dental time bomb. I have a front bridge that’s going to need to eventually be removed and replaced, and two teeth, one fractured, that will have to be extracted. I also have a cavity that bears watching.

I’m not too thrilled about any of this. But every day that I’m not in pain is in my estimation another day to the good. This is my current dental history, and I’m sticking to it. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Next: 292. 10/22/20: Shadow’s Dog Blog

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