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August 13, 2021: The Elements

When I wrote this title, I immediately thought of the periodic table. Then I wondered why there is no notation for rain – the nearly invisible droplets that combine to make a unified whole. Most likely the creator of the chart lived in a warm, sunny place and gave no thought to what it is, or what its atomic numbers might be. Or, it was too big a task.

Right now, I am looking out the shed roof – droplets are falling from the sky and bouncing around. Oddly enough the sun is shining. When I went out on my second to last ride today, the sky was at the distance steel gray in color. Then the sun broke through. Then it began to rain hard. I wondered, what gives? For once, Hrimmi had no answers. Neither did my neighbor, Idiot Boy, who when I passed, squatted next to Jim’s Road creek crossing and looked the other way. I thought, it must be something in the water he’s drinking – I’m glad I’m not him.

Alys and Raudi heading to the playground of higher learning

Yes, I have ridden three horses today, in the rain, and will after dinner ride a fourth. I have decided to be purposefully impervious to the rain because it might be that this could continue on for days. I don’t want my horses to get bored.

Early, before going out, I called and talked to Julie, the Sutton Public Library librarian and suggested we get together and put together a plan to propose to the Sutton Public Library board. She agreed, but a few minutes later called back and said that she’d just talked with the state librarian who said that a bookmobile, one owned and operated by a library, is just that, a vehicle in which readers check out and then return books. It is not supposed to be used to impart discarded books. “So what you are proposing, (the latter) is a red flag,” Julie said.

I conceded after I momentarily played around with the options. Now I have just one more rabbit up my sleeve. It’s Friday. On Monday I’ll contact the director of the Palmer Senior Center and see if I might partner up with them.

This is now a distinct possibility, given that Covid is again rearing its ugly head. Of course, there is a variant. And, of course, those who haven’t previously been vaccinated are most susceptible. So the question is (and there are many), just how susceptible are those of us who have been vaccinated to this variant?

And I do wonder if they’ll be closing the Senior Center dining hall. Seems like then, book drop off will be on the upswing. I guess that I am going to have to maintain a wait and see attitude.

There was no talk at all about Covid during this afternoon’s farrier visit. Instead, Josh, Pete, and I talked about barefoot trimming. The catalyst for this conversation was Tinni, who seems to have a hard time with hard surfaces. So now he’s shod on all four feet. As I say, only the best for the best.

Next: 224. 8/14/21: Running out of Words

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