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March 28, 2021: Out and About

I spent the entire day outside, with the horses. The book project takes time away from my horsey doings, and my horsey doing take time away from the book project. As for writing, both take time away from it. The best I can do is simply stay in the moment and not allow myself to think about what it is that I’m not getting done. This actually seems to work.

I got out today because one of the guys who reads the radio forecast (there are several) predicted from 1-5 inches of snow tonight, and more snow following in the next few days. I figured that, like early last week, my time will be better spent inside if the weather is inclement.

Books everywhere

Pete videoed me doing agility with Raudi and Tyra. We had already gotten a suitable video of Hrimmi.

The easiest obstacle was opening and carrying an umbrella. The hardest obstacle was one in which the horses had to back into a hula hoop. I had a problem initially, in that the mares, in backing, would walk into the hula hoop and send it flying. I partially solved this problem by resorting to the use of the hose hoop. And Pete partially solved this problem by putting sand under the hose hoop. It was as if once this set up was in place, the mares went ahhhhh.

Neither of us were sure after how well the three mares had done; however, in later watching the videos, I was pleasantly surprised to see that they had done quite well. I was most impressed with the fact that all seemed to know what to do – I guess they do learn how to negotiate the course in repeated attempts. Raudi, Hrimmi, and Tyra are all very patient with me, as is Pete.

After, I first took Tinni and Shadow for a walk, then I got Hrimmi, Raudi, and Tyra out for a ride. I went about a mile further today. I have been turning back at the Murphy Road Turn, but today I rode to Ridge Runner Road, then headed back home. It was there that all three suddenly felt energized and began trotting.

Road riding is different than trail riding in that there are more varied close encounters. On all the rides, the mares I had to deal with snowmobilers who were out on the road. I don’t know why they aren’t sticking to the trails – instead, they are choosing to go fast, straight down the straight road.

Met up with a neighbor who came to check out his place. It’s under five feet of snow, so he can’t even walk in. This individual had parked his car in the road and was just waiting for someone to come by to talk to. I got off, tightened Raudi’s girth, exchanged pleasantries, then moved on.

When riding Hrimmi, I had to deal with three people coming and going down Murphy Road on a four-wheeler. The kids were quite loud. My stalwart pony didn’t seem to care.

And when riding Tyra, I was accompanied part way down the road by Addy, a neighbor’s blue heeler. Nice dog, she really wants a horse of her own.

I am fortunate in that I have horses that I can do varied activities, today being a good example. My fingers are crossed that the weather guy will be wrong because I’d like to do the same thing tomorrow. I should uncross my fingers, otherwise they might fall off.

Next: 88. 3/29/21: The Lion Continues to Roar, but less loudly

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