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April 25, 2022: Huh?

Wow, April is almost over. There have now been several days of sunny weather, although with a slight chill in the air. To look at photos from a month ago is revelatory because then there was so much snow.

The snow in the horse enclosure is now nearly gone. Both Pete and I have continued to be vigilant about picking up old and new poop. There are some places where the footing is somewhat muddy – but at the same time, there are places where the footing is almost dry.

The snow mounds are nearly melted. There are still places on the far side of the pen in which I scatter the hay, so the horses are not ingesting mud.

The water is flowing from the mounds of snow outside of Tinni’s pen, into his pen, then into the mare’s pen, then out into the yard, then down the driveway and into the road.

Tyra waiting to get out

I enjoy walking around in the sloshy stuff, that is when I have my rubber boots on. I’d left them at the Meeting House and for a few days was wearing my running shoes. My shoes, socks, and feet promptly got wet. I am now more appreciative of my low-cut rubber boots.

The air again smells fresh. It rained yesterday and today, an honest to dog spring rain – this was not the heavy sleet that you endure, but rather, a more cleansing rain that you appreciate.

If we do get more snow, it will just be a short squall.

This morning I did BLBP administrativa – I was then shifting from leg to leg and very restless because all I wanted to do was get outside. I finally had to get out because it was too nice a day. It was as if Mother Nature was yelling “yoo hoo.” And as we all know, it’s bad karma to ignore Mother Nature.

I next took Tinni for a walk then took Hrimmi on a road ride. She was glad to get out, as was Tyra, who I got out after dinner. Beforehand, Tyra in fact was going a bit stir crazy. I can tell this for when I am cleaning the pen, she will follow me around. She acts like she wants treats, but I know that also that she’s restless.

In between, I went and sorted and categorized books at the Meeting House. I was hoping to not have to go in at all, but I had to distribute books (Bill is out of town), and I had to get books ready for cleaning tomorrow. These books will be put out for the public at Kindergarten Night on Thursday.

Pete and I also went for a drive, this time in search of a permanent site for the Meeting House. The demo guy had told us that the owner of the garage behind the Meeting House had other plans for the building – he in fact wants to turn it into an Air B and B.

So right now, we have no leads. Something will materialize, but as to when we have no idea.

Next: 114. 4/26/22: When a Project Exceeds one’s Vision

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