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September 8, 2022: Blaaah

I have considerable respect and admiration for animal and human health care practitioners. They study hard, internalize what they learn, then put theory to practice, no easy task. Veterinarians, in particular, must deal with animals in pain, animals who can’t pinpoint what’s wrong. Then they have to explain what’s going on to concerned owners, and then come up with a diagnosis.

Zach, our veterinarian, he is very good at this. Tinni is still coughing –I badly want a few days without rain, and with sunshine. I asked, and he said that it was a good idea, to keep taking him for walks. I went out to take him for a walk midday, then then changed my mind. It was a cold, wet rain. Neither of us would have enjoyed our daily outing, so I instead gave him hay in his shelter. I will go out again soon and see if the rain has abated. I hate seeing him under the clouds.

And I don’t particularly like being under the clouds either. Dr. Gurr (dentist) said that there was nothing wrong with my teeth; however, there is something wrong with my sinuses. I have now accepted this fact as well as the fact that I will have to have something done about this. Next week, Monday, I will begin the process of finding an ear, nose, and throat specialist.

I keep hoping that, as with Tinni, better weather will be a boon to us both.

I kept myself distracted today by catching up on my Dempster Highway trip dispatches. I was supposed to go to the Meeting House and get books on their way, but I was lacking in energy.

The big question is, what’s wrong with me? I think I’d feel better if I knew what the problem might be. And I’ll bet Mr. Tinni feels the same way.

Next: 247. 9/9/22: Rain continues

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