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September 30, 2022: As I write This

Pete, and Zach, our veterinarian, are using the tractor to move Tinni to his final resting place, a pit that Pete and Kirby dug some time ago. Rover and Stormy, the goats, are in this pit, as are a few chickens.

This morning I went down to the horse pen to feed and clean – my plan was to ride the mares and take Tinni for a walk. I immediately saw that Tinni was not well – he had white gunk in his nostrils, and he was shivering. His ears were cold, as were his legs.

I spent some time with him, then went up to the house and told Pete to call Zach. I took Tinni around the loop – he went willingly – I think he did this because this was a part of the routine. And I did what I remembered from my TTouch training.

Raudi, hanging by the fence, looked very concerned.

Zach got here a few hours later. He said that Tinni’s temperature was 104, his heart rate was elevated, and that his pulse was high. He suspected that Tinni had pneumonia. He gave him drugs. He also said, when asked, that Tinni had a 50/50 chance of making it.

I took an hour off, then went back down to the pen. I opened the gate and Tinni walked out into the yard, near the hayshed. The sun was shining brightly. I did more body work, but I could see that his condition was deteriorating. He was shivering and he was shaky. I gave him a good brushing, and told him what a good, good horse he was.

I then got a chair and sat down next to him. I then told him that although I would miss him, if he felt it was his time to go, then go. And he did. He laid down, convulsed, and then died.

I took the mares and Ranger the goat and the dogs over to say goodbye. I think that they had already done this. I cleaned the pen while waiting for Zach, and then let them into the now full enclosure.

I put some items to go with Tinni next to his gravesite. Some photos and his Icelandic registration certificate. Also, the bit and bridle that he came here with.

It was a near coincidence that I was around for his passing. I had thought some about it beforehand. You don’t have a horse live to be 33 and not have this happen. And it was amazing that he went when I told him it was okay. We most likely communicated better than I realized.

Now, as is always the case, I am left with memories of a most remarkable fellow. We got him when he was 19; in horse years, he was old then, or so I thought. He taught me to ride, and for the longest time, he was the number one riding horse around here.

I retired him a year ago. But I kept taking him for walks, every day, even today.

Grief will come and go in waves. Right now, I’m feeling pretty bad.

Alys and Tinny 9-07

Alys and Tinni at AIHA clinic

Tinni liked kids

Alys and Tinni crossing Moose Creek

Tinni and Pete after CTR


Next: 269. 9/1/22: Onward into October

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