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March 5, 2022: Patience

I have never been a particularly patient individual. I actually may be about average on the patience scale, or say, a few notches below average. I often say to my inner voice, “I want it, and I want it now.”

Fortunately, my inner voice is extremely patient, and also good at telling me what to do, though I seldom listen. Once in a while, I do, and now is one of those times.

This morning, Pete and I went to check out the Blue Mountains Yoga Studio. It’s located across the street from Palmer Middle School, and right next to the Palmer Senior Center.

Blue Mountain Building

Pete and I arrived on site eight minutes early – a record for us. We went around the back and checked out the back – there had been fire damage, and plywood had been nailed where the outside, fire damage occurred. There was a pile of garbage at the base of the two large sliding doors – there were several bicycle frames there. I thought, there was a time when I would have taken those frames home and had someone rebuild the bicycles for me.

Across the way, over in Lot #2, was a machine shop. It was rectangular, quite lengthy – I thought – this building also has possibilities.

Georgina and Monte showed up and we stood and talked about the property, Georgina throwing in stories about her family. She has seven brothers and two sisters. We know her brother John who is our hay dealer.

Monte recently had a bone marrow transplant and also a kidney transplant – the kidney came from Georgina, she said that this made him part DePriest.

Monte forgot the key, so we could not see the interior of the building. Of course, I was disappointed. However, the brief exchange did what it was supposed to do, which was take us one step further in the direction of getting this property.

Bill showed up late, but he too got the lowdown. We are next going to contact the Mat-Su Health Foundation and see if they will pave the way for future real estate dealings.

Here’s where the patience part comes in. I am holding fast to the idea that we are going to get the property. We, after all are pros now at lengthy project related waits. We got our nonprofit status, and this was after what seemed like an interminable amount of time. So we will be patient with all those involved and celebrate each hurdle we overcome.

A bit of creative visualization is also going to be in order. I am envisioning a bright and sunny space, with bookcases and books downstairs, and offices upstairs. We’ll also have neighbors, some community minded folks who will purchase the machine shop.

All n all it was a good day. Christine who is the education coordinator for the Fairbanks Correctional Facility came and got 10 boxes of paperbacks and 5 or so boxes of textbooks. Oddly enough, the room didn’t look any more empty once she left.

Patience, patience, patience, this is what my inner voice keeps telling me. This time I am going to listen.

Next: 64. 3/6/22: Today, the most Beautiful of Days

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