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April 17, 2023: At the Day’s End

I used to write my dispatches in the morning. I now write them in the evening. It’s harder, writing at night. I am not able to pull my thoughts together as easily as I am in the morning. But because I continue to write for surprise, new ideas do appear from seemingly out of nowhere.

I did not have to be anywhere until 12:45 a.m. today, so I had time to go for a ride. I chose Hrimmi because at the enclosure fence, she seemed most agreeable. I rode her to the Murphy Road turnaround, a distance of about two miles total. I have been doing the same route with all the horses now for three weeks and they are getting bored with it. When I have the time, I’ll start going farther afield

Hrimmi started out slowly, which was okay. I wasn’t in a hurry, and neither was she. Coming back, in the direction of home, she of course perked up. We worked on posting trot/three point transitions. At first, she stopped often, hoping to get a treat. I began lengthening the distance and then rewarding her. This, rather than the use of the crop, works best.

I did not get Raudi or Tyra out – I knew this was going to happen. But tomorrow, for sure.

Had to get to town, to get a haircut. Betty, who cuts my hair, and I get along well. Simpatico. She gave me a complement afterwards. Looking me directly in the eyes she said that we most likely knew one another in a previous life – we were in the third grade together.

I fully understood what she was saying. Like my fourth grade classmates, she appreciated my sense of humor, and vice-versa. Yes, the fourth grade year was a good one – and for reasons that I’ll go into in another dispatch.

I went to the dentist after getting my hairs cut. I hate roundabouts, but there is no way to avoid them. I think that four way intersections are far more egalitarian. Roundabouts make no sense to me – I am always full of questions in dealing with them – for example, which lane should I get in? And which lane should I get out of? Somehow, as of yet, I am still alive to tell the tale. But if I die in a roundabout crash, I would hope that my ashes would be scattered dead center.

I had my teeth cleaned. Jenn, my hygienist, is good at what she does. And we talk teeth. Today, what she said made sense. I asked her if people should have their teeth pulled rather than have a root canal. She said that it’s best to keep one’s teeth as long as possible. I didn’t say what I was thinking, which was that I followed this advice in waiting to have my teeth pulled.

I next went to the Meeting House – got books ready to pass on to others. Megan, who is a board member, came and took three boxes of fiction. Then we had a BLBP finance committee meeting. Once again, I found myself thinking that we can’t do much fun raising (d left off intentionally) until we get a building.

Drove home at 8:30 p.m. in the daylight. Spring is finally here.

Next: 107. 4/18/23: Some things We Learn as we Get Older

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