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May 1, 2023: May Day

Where did April go? In my mind, it is April 12th. However, I concede that the calendar does not lie. And it does serve as a useful point of reference.

This morning, I started to write this dispatch in the dentist’s office. When, finally, I was immersed in the subject matter, which is my dental phobia, the door swung open and I was escorted into the middle news room. This, meaning, it was not the bad news room or the good news room, but rather was a room in between.

The bad news room, it does not, as do the other two, have windows.


I got nitrous – the mask was askew on my face, so I didn’t get much gas. I was also given safety googles, which soon were also askew. The dentist appeared, did what he had to do, and left. There was no chit chat at all. There was a lot of ratcheting going on. I think he took out two posts and put in two more. And he scanned my teeth for dog knows what reason.

It was a beautiful sunny day. I would rather have been outside. I was obviously inside.

The appointment went on for a long, long time. Most likely a few of those missing days in April were consumed by the time powers that be during this visit.

And no, I learned at the conclusion of my visit that the work was not done. I have to go back two days from now and have the crown put in.

While on nitrous, a line did come into my head. It was, “on the third day, God created teeth.” I do not think that this was a nitrous-based thought. It was a thought that would have come to me anyways.

But it did give me reason to pause. I mean, if God created heaven and earth, and all the places in between, well then, she had her work cut out for her. And what did God do on the eighth day? And was God a drinker? And did God take time out to have sex with Mrs. God? And did he do the dishes on the fourth day, as promised? Once again, questions beget questions.

There is now a bookcase at Meridian Dental. And there is soon to be another at Lupine Dental, which is also owned by my dentist, Dr. Gurr. I must say, the man has a lot of initiative. I am paying for his kids’ college education and for their gap years in Europe. This makes me an altruistic human being. It’s a swap. I get implants and the kids get educated. I hope that they don’t take the fact that their education is going to be for free, for granted.

So I go back on Wednesday and have to be there at 9:30 a.m. Pete heard this and he winced. I felt like saying, you who were born with a good set of teeth, take being able to sleep in, for granted.


Next: 120. 5/2/23: At the Day’s End

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