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May 9, 2023: Whooooooooooosh

Another day when time got away from me. I do not know if my sense that time is going by more quickly is age related or if this is something that’s happening because the planet is in its end times. Or if it’s both.

The older I get, the faster time is going to go by. If I live to be 95, those last five years are going to be a blur.

The only good thing about this is that unpleasant things seemingly take less time. Also, waiting around for things takes less time. Still, some things do drag on, like the acquisition of a building for the Bright Lights Book Project. All aspects of this are otherwise going quite well – the quality of the books last week was extremely high because we had a private donation. Thrift store books have already been picked through. Still, we find places for them.

Today I held a first edition hardback, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. It’s in excellent shape. I found it last Saturday, in a Gaylord, a chest-high cardboard box. Had I not taken it, it would have been pulped.

I hang onto books like this one, and when I get discouraged by the workload, I remind myself that my saving books like these is making the world a better place. I’ll hang onto this book until I find the perfect owner. And I will.

Today, a woman at Palmer Senior Services gave me a box of children’s books. Some are worn and will need restoration work. Others are in excellent condition. I’ll find good homes for these books, too.

It was a wonderful day at the Senior Center – all my friends were there – the snowbirds are all back. And everyone was in good spirits. I was most happy to see my friends Mario and Mary, who went to Arizona for the winter. Mario, who is in his 80s, has health issues. However, he’s still ambulatory.

Numerous baby boomers are now parting out their libraries, and those of their parents. It must be difficult, busting up a collection of books that took years to acquire. I try and find the best homes possible for these books – hopefully they’ll end up in other reader’s collections.

The most stressful part of my job is finding appreciative readers for books in a timely fashion. I can’t hang onto them forever – I just don’t have the room. If I did have the room, I could hold onto books for a greater amount of time. But I don’t so I can’t.

I did get an assist today, in getting books ready for the upcoming Friday Fling. I was told not to call it Spring Fling – that was an event that was held two weeks ago in conjunction with Who Let the Girls Out. I have two totes each of kids, young adult, fiction, nonfiction, and Alaskana books. My one saving grace is that I am very organized.

I continue to say, “get ‘er done.”

Next: 128. 5/10/23: Warm Weather Needed

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