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May 12, 2023: A Most Beautiful Day

Now this one day of good weather was worth the 364 other days of bad and questionable weather. Temperatures were in the 60s – the sun shone brightly, there was just a slight hint of a breeze. This put everyone at the Friday Fling in a good mood. I watched behind the event table as kids did cartwheels and also jumped over one another. And again, dogs have something to again sniff.

I can’t imagine otherwise that it will be any different. I will be spending a portion of my day in the book cave, so I’ll miss out on some of it.

This evening, when I got home, there was enough good weather and sun left to allow me time to get all three horses out on Siggi’s Trail. I first brushed all three. They are now mostly shed out. And there is no more snow in their pen, which is almost dry. All three have gone back to lying around in the sun at the midway point in the day.

The past few days the ground was frozen – today it was a tad mucky. No matter, I think the horses were glad to get out. They did not seem all that thrilled about the conditions, although all picked their way carefully around the mucky stuff, which was mainly in crossing the torn up trails. After, I of course rewarded them for their efforts. This, rewarding them encourages independent thinking. They all have continued to let me know when crossing unsafe terrain is out of the question. And I continue to honor this.

The challenge is to keep them from getting bored. So I’ll find routes within routes.

I’m out, and so were the dirt bikers and ATV users. The trail going up the bench – it is extremely rutted – they are using it as a challenge, if you can call driving a vehicle up a muddy hill a challenge.

Where do they come from? And where do they go? I can’t imagine they spend their evenings reading philosophy books. I can’t imagine that they can read. Maybe life has gotten so easy that people no longer have to think. Unfortunately, there is no way to kick them out of the gene pool. They are here to stay, although they are the bottom feeders. Maybe we should just pull the plug and let the water out. They’d end up on the ground, gasping for breath, and eventually die.

There are six swallows and all of them want to be in the single bird dwelling. I wonder how this is going to play out. Is this an instance of survival of the fittest?

I would like to read Charles Darwin’s Origin of the Species. Yesterday I put all the evolution books on a shelf in the Meeting House library room, right below the traditional Christian literature type books. Only someone with an eye for such things would notice the incongruity.

Tomorrow, we’ll see if we have a weather double header.

Next: 131. 5/13/23: Pete’s Birthday

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