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May 31, 2023: Signed, Sealed, and Delivered

The last day of May. Whooosh. It went by faster than April – was this possible? All I have to go by is a calendar.

Now everything here is lush and green. The air smells good. And the few birds that now remain and make this area their home, are singing. Some have found mates and others have not. It does interest me that birds do find mates because the song radius can’t be that far.

Overcast, and chilly. We could use a few days of warm, sunny weather. There is the likelihood that this is what we are going to get.

Dang, I again forgot to open the hoop house door. I am wired to tend to animals, and so I have now screwed up twice. Again, it was cold here, so the plants are okay.

It was a day of considerable promise. It began with my key getting stuck in the lock at the Eagle Hotel. I do number locks better than keys, for sure. My car lock – I carry it in my pocket and when I push a button the car starts. This seems really strange to me.

I was to meet Robert at the Meeting House, but he was in Wasilla, attempting to figure out what happened to the Mat Valley Credit Union bookcase. As best as he (with managerial assistance) could discover was that the bookcase and books had been put back in storage. Later, Sarah Welton went over there and was told that the upstairs people wanted it removed. So the bottom lines are that books and bookcase is safe. The ironic part about this was that the Mat Valley Credit Union gave us the grant for the purchase of the bookcases.

I headed over to the Meeting House – Bill had busted down the boxes and taken them away, so I did not have to do this. This enabled me to sort through the books in boxes on the long table and get them ready for the book cleaners.

I was joined by Rebekah, Bea, and Robert – we made quick work of the errant books, which are those that did not have duplicates. Later in the afternoon, I distributed them. Kids’ books do not sit around very long.

After a bit, Robert and I had a snack at Vagabond Blues and then went to talk contract with Atli, the owner of the Eagle Hotel. Atli is the consummate business man – he has to think practically and really does not have time for our pie in the sky ideas. And we do have pie in the sky ideas.

If I had a restaurant/bakery, I’d name it Pie in the Sky. Blueberry Sky Pie.

Yeah, I am envisioning owning the Eagle Hotel. I do the envisioning, which is surf the wave, and others, as best they can, follow suit.

I will write more about this tomorrow – my idea about having a peripatetic book enterprise has now gone out the window and is flying off with the hope of finding a mate.

Next: 150. 6/1/23: Solidly Spring

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