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June 12, 2023: Rain Forthcoming

You can feel it in the air, see it in the sky, smell it in the air, for sure it’s going to rain, and continuously, for a few days. I expected this two days ago – Mother Nature decided instead to bide her time and soon, is going to kick butt.

It’s been cold, but better cold than hot. Cold, you warm up when you’re active, and put on and take off layers. Hot, there is no escaping it.

The overcast sky makes the already green trees and ground cover look even greener.

Cold wet weather

I was tired today. I was woken up at about 2 a.m. by ringing in my right ear. It was a whining sound, much like that of a downed electrical wire.

I have had this happen a few times in the past. I was scared because I didn’t know if or when it was going to stop. It wasn’t anything that I could live with for any length of time. It finally diminished – I still have ringing but it was nothing like what it was previously.

I’ve heard said that when you have your health you have everything. This is a truism.

The health specialist at the health center in Sutton called this morning and said that my lab results were in. I have high bad cholesterol and a low white blood cell count. Now I have heard said that if you are dehydrated that your cholesterol count will be higher. This, like the ringing in my ears, has happened before. As for the low white blood cell count -- I haven’t a clue.

So now I’ve scheduled a phone visit with a dietitian. Well, there are not going to be any dietary changes because Pete makes the meals, and I am at his behest when it comes to meals. We don’t eat meat, except for fish and shrimp – I drink almond milk, so I don’t know what gives. Lunches, I am on my own and I do terribly. I am in a hurry in the mornings, and I am not hungry then, so I race out of here – always, early, early, early, on time (one minute) late, late, late.

I maintain an active lifestyle, so this may not be the issue.

There is always something for me to worry about – and I will worry about these things.

Slowly, ever so slowly, the BLBP transition, going from the Meeting House to the Historic Eagle Hotel, is taking place. I now have all the kids’ books sorted and ready to clean and stamp. And this week I will have volunteers giving me an assist. Once the kids’ books are taken care of and moved, I will be spending all my time in the Historic Eagle Hotel.

I’ll first get the kids’ books in order, then move on to nonfiction, and after that, fiction.

My keeping occupied will keep me from worrying about my health.

Another day shot to hell.

Next: 162. 6/13/23: Weary

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