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June 23, 2023: Out of Words

Or so I thought. The word bucket isn’t half empty, it’s half full. I have always thought that we come into this world with an individual word quota. For some, it’s just a few words. For others, it’s many. We have no way of knowing what our allotment is, but when it’s gone, it’s gone. And there is no sense remaining reticent about word usage because we may have a full bucket. Hard to say.

Sunny and humid. Not used to heat or humidity, although I grew up with both. I would suffer greatly if I lived in a place with 100˚ F plus degree temperatures for any length of time. I am more adapted to cold weather climate living.

Alys making deliveries

This was the thought that went through my head this morning, as I stood in the sun. Josh put shoes on the mares, which always takes more time than doing just a trim. It did feel good, particularly early on, to stand in the sun and groom all three horses. I think they enjoyed it too. It must feel good, a good groom, one in which I use the scraper to loosen the hair, dirt, and dander, the hand glove to bring the same to the surface, and the brush to remove the same.

The horses are done with the winter shed and already, beginning the summer shed. It’s easy to tell, the summer hair is finer. Soon, way too soon, they’ll be growing their winter coats.

Pete’s been doing research. We are going to do a short trek. I say, about time.

I have been working very, very, very hard, so as to make the time to do this. Today I got the remaining fiction, hardback and paperback, categorized and on the metal shelves that Pete put up yesterday. I also worked some on sorting and categorizing the nonfiction. This is a way harder endeavor because, unlike fiction, which is pretty generic, the nonfiction is fairly specific. For instance, art and photography books go in differing boxes. Conversely, fiction, say Romance and science fiction, go in the same boxes. I could classify the latter, but I don’t have the time.

Pete was a huge help today. He went to Wasilla and came back with 40 Banker Boxes, which by this evening were full. He also purchased labels. And he put the boxes together in record time. Additionally, he put up two white boards, one of which is going to include a distribution chart.

My goal is to have all the books that are in the distribution room shelved by June 30. This actually is now within the realm of possibility. Today, as I was finishing up, I sort of realized that once I get things squared away, I am going to have fewer book schlepping to do. I’ll also be able to easily find what it is that I’m looking for.

The hardest part of all is finding appreciative readers for the books. One step at a time, first, one, two, three, four, get the books up off the floor.

Next: 173. 6/24/23: The Right to Chews

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