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September 1, 2023 Here it is, September

Rain is now a constant here. It’s been both raining and blowsy, we think because the southerly hurricane, Hillary, headed in a northerly direction. The rain may also be a harbinger of what’s to come, lots of snow. Pete says that this is because the ocean is getting warmer, so there is more moisture in the air.

No, we are not going to be the pocket, or the sole place, in which there are no effects of climate change. We are as much a part of what’s going on as is everyplace and everyone else. However, we have not had to deal with devastating fires, like they did in Maui or Canada.

Harvest Time

Another up and down day. I cleaned a lot of books and listened to others, one who was helping me, babble. Both individuals were, in their own way, energy drains. I was cheered by the fact that I have the kids book cleaning area very well set up, making cleaning books a very time efficient endeavor. If I wasn’t so tired from setting it up, I’d be proud of myself.

Then we had a meeting to talk about the upcoming open house. All I can think at this late hour is how much I have to do. The funny thing is, I feel more overwhelmed about it all late in the evening when I am tired. In the mornings, after a rest, I rebound.

The prospect of the open house has energized the Bright Lights Book Project board members. This is because there is the prospect of affirmation. I, though, can take great pride in the fact that I made having this open house possible. The books are categorized and on shelves and everything looks like it is in order. I did this, although the guys did build the shelving.

After the meeting, we went over to Turkey Red where in their banquet room there was a reception for Mary Peltola. Mary got Don Young’s seat after he suddenly died on an airplane flight. He was a white male conservative republican, and she is a Native female not so conservative democrat. The two are not as different as night and day, but close enough.

I would like to have talked to her, but the room was very packed. It was like being in a Democratic mosh pit. There were just too many people there. And for me, it was like being in a bad dream.

Next: 240. 9/1/23: Fair Enough

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