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January 24, 2023: Nasty Weather

Nasty weather here, temperatures in the 30s, rain (primarily) snow mix – lots of slop and glop.

Two days in a row, I drove to the Meeting House, chancing it because the roads were a mess. I never know until I get out there. Lots of slush, rain falling on the windshield, today, coming home on the Glenn Highway I hit the center meridian slush buildup and I fishtailed a bit, just enough to scare me. I straightened out just in time because cars were coming from the other direction.

I hope that it does not freeze up out there – this would be bad for the horses who are wet. This would give the term “Icelandic” a new and not so good meaning.


I went to the Palmer Senior Center, and I put books out and I put books on the library shelving downstairs. The number of people gathering in the cafeteria for lunch is growing smaller and smaller. There seems to be a disconnect between the administrative staff and the seniors. Correct that, there is a disconnect between the administrative staff and the seniors.

I next went to the Meeting House and primarily worked upstairs, mainly getting books ready for Pete to take (along with the new bookcase) to Valley Pathways School in town. I also further categorized the books that were provided to us by Read on the Fly, and after, I distributed books.

I also met with Lancee, who got the poetry night at Kombucha a going concern.

I went downstairs and pulled the box down from the shelf that had what she was looking for – books on the southwest, and I passed on two poetry books to her. She’s working on her book of poems at the same time that she’s getting ready to move to Dillingham.

Lancee (I think) is in her mid-twenties. More and more I notice that people who are that age see me as old and so they aren’t interested in becoming fast friends.

I would like, as an experiment, to go back in time and run scenes over. If say, I could be her age when we talk, I’d better know if my thoughts on this are founded or unfounded.

I don’t feel as old as I am. But appearance wise, I’m up there. Life is not fair. Had I known when I was born that this was going to happen, I would have climbed back in the womb and reverse the aging process.

I would not want to live forever; I don’t think. But I would like it if for a brief period of time, the aging process stopped. I’ll bet there are many out there who are also holding out hope that this will happen. My father used to say that he would not die; rather, by the time he got old, there would be live longer pills. I think that he really believed this.

I am more glum than usual because of the weather.

Next: 25. 1/25/23: Seven Prose Poems

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