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September 11, 2023 A Conversation with Hrimfara

Alys: Hrimmi, how are you doing?
Hrimmi: I’m fine, how are you doing?
A: I’m tired, I had a long day.
H: I’m not tired. I didn’t have a long day.
A: Are you content these days?
H: Yes and no.
A: First the yeses.
H: I know there is plenty of hay in the barn right now and that you will get more when it runs low.
A: Yes, absolutely.
H: I also know that you love and care very deeply for us three mares.
A: Yes, okay, the nos.
H: This rain is a bit much.
A: A bit much?


H: More than a bit much. A lot of much.
A: There isn’t anything I can do about this. It’s a result of climate change.
H: Tyra has explained to me what climate change is.
A: Do you understand what this is and why it’s happening?
H: Yes, because Tyra explains things quite well.
A: So she explained to you that the ocean is warming and this is causing us to get more precipitation.
H: What’s precipitation?
A: Rain.
H: Why don’t you just say rain?
A: Because this word just rolls off my tongue.
H: Not my tongue.
A: No, not your tongue.
H: Tyra also thinks that its going to be a snowy winter
A: I agree with Tyra.
H: It’s hard not to agree with her. She’s a very smart horse.
A: You are also a very smart horse.
H: You think so?
A: Yes. For example, you know to go into the shelter and wait for me to dole out your hay.
H: That’s a no brainer.
A: So what else is amiss?
H: Okay. I’ll tell you what I think. But don’t do something stupid, like sell me, all right?
A: You have my word – I won’t do this.
H: You take me out first, on the trails, usually by myself. I find this to be boring. Why do you do this?
A: Well, you are grass obsessed and it’s difficult riding you behind other horses.
H: Just let me be out front.
A: Sometimes the other horses become impatient because you’re slow.
H: This is their problem and not my problem.
A: It’s easiest just to take you out by yourself.
H: But like I said, it can be boring.
A: Isn’t being in the enclosure even more boring?
H: Yes. I would so enjoy having room to roam around.
A: Yes. And I so badly want for all three of you to have this.
H: What’s it going to take to get this?
A: Money.
H: Well, that answers that question.
A: Are there any others?
H: Yes. I love to pull the cart. When are we going to pull the cart again?
A: As soon as we have a few days of sunshine.
H: When do you think this will be?
A: I am thinking in the next few weeks.
H: Are you sure it won’t snow by then?
A: Hrimmi, I’m not sure of anything.
H: Neither am I.
A: This is why we make such a good team.

Next: 250. 9/12/23: Getting Ready

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