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November 17, 2023: The Joy of Dogs, Chickens, Goats, and Horses

The sound of falling snow did not keep me awake last night. It let up some, but not a lot. We got two-three inches.

It was difficult for me to get out of bed because bed was comfortable and warm. My excuse was that it was dark and I’d have to use the headlight when tending to the animals. I got going at dusk.

I cleaned the horse pen and fed the horses. I then ate breakfast. Then I took care of some BLBP administrativa. Once I get going on answering emails and making phone calls, I am able to keep going. Many good things are happening. I am excited about working with the Palmer Lions Club on getting a little library in the new public park.

Hrimmin on scree trail in the Bob Marshal Wilderness Area

At 11:30 a.m. I got out and cleaned the goat pen. I felt bad that I had not done this sooner, but good once it was done. I also put down fresh bedding in the shed and in the rear shelter. And I shoveled out the outside pen, then gave the chickens water and grain, making it accessible both in their enclosure and roost.

I put the morning horse manure and soiled goat and chicken bedding up behind the high tunnel. This is what we do in the winter.

After lunch, I shoveled my horse enclosure pathways then took Hrimmi out. She snacked on hay while I scraped off the ice cycles that had formed the past two days. I then tacked her up and we went for a ride.

It was snowing again, and I thought perhaps I’d forgo the ride, but I decided that a ride was a must. Last year our trails got snowed in and we could not ride. I don’t want this to happen this year.

I didn’t take the dogs because I sensed that the snow would be too deep for them – and I was right. It was knee deep. Pete had ridden Hrimmi a few days ago, but there was a near closed in pathway.

I had a most amazing ride. I recently read Alois Podajsky’s, “My Horses My Teachers.” This is an incredible book – his chronology centers around the horses he worked with, in the order that he worked with them. The former director of the Spanish Riding School comes across as a very kind and patient man.

I decided today to be equally kind and patient with Hrimmi, who sometimes is not very forward. Each time she stopped I focused on me, and got myself in alignment. Then, I bumped her with my calves. Each time, she moved forward.

I had a crop with me, but I did not use it. I was reminded that Hrimmi is a thinker, and as such, it sometimes takes a few minutes for her to process commands. I also feel that I have underrated her at times, by considering her to be a not so very forward horse. And too, I’ve been comparing her to Raudi and Tyra, who are super stars. However, as I realized today, Hrimmi is also a super star.

Glad, today, to have reconnected with all my animals, especially Hrimmi.

Next: 317. 11/18/23: Breaking Trail

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