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February 13, 2023: Snow, snow, and more Snow

We got home in time this afternoon to see Tyra checking out the fence at the far end of the enclosure. She was thinking about going over it. The snow, which was nearly the height of the fence, was fairly solid. It was like the day in which she went over the cable on Jim’s driveway. She stopped first and accessed the situation.

I don’t think she’d make a good jumper because she would first want to determine if she could get over the jump safely. For sure, she could have gotten over the fence. Then again she might have impaled herself on the cross rail. Right now, Pete is shoveling the snow away from the fence, so as to prevent her from doing any more calculations and then acting upon them.

Raudi had a short-lived career as a jumper. Jumping made absolutely no sense to her at all, so I eventually decided to forego the very pricey lessons.

Hrimmi wants more than anything to pull, someone skijoring or pulling a cart, it does not matter to her. I wish I had a cart and harness that fit her, and someone who was knowledgeable about cart horse education.

A busy day – first went to the Meeting House and began sorting and categorizing the books that came in over the weekend from the recycling center and Title Wave Books in Anchorage. Lots of books, more than I’d be able to deal with a few days’ time. The clock is ticking as far as space use goes this weekend because a Church of the Covenant/Meeting House member died. The pastor emailed me and said they may need to use the space for the memorial service. This of course means that the women who clean the church (and there are a whole cadre of them) will first want to get in there and do some deep cleaning.

I’ve watched them at work. These women take a specific task and do a very thorough job. For instance, one will work in the kitchen, cleaning all the whatnot that is there to clean. A hive of bees has nothing on these most amazing women.

In the meantime, I have books everywhere.

I don’t know if I’ll get to finish the task at hand in the next few days because Pete is going to Juneau tomorrow and won’t be back for a few days. If the snow keeps falling, I’ll stay home.

We next went to the dentist where I learned that I was not ready to have the side-by-side implants put in. Cautious dentist said that he wants to wait and see if more bone forms around the one post. If not, I get to go to an oral surgeon and have more bone put in place. The one tooth on the other side, the dentist said it’s implant ready.

Lastly, we went and talked with the person in charge at the People’s Paper. It’s odd, but our small nonprofit is one that everyone likes. And it is a cash cow with empty udders. Don’t know how much partnering we’ll do – hard to say how much advertising we’ll need.

And then back home, just in time to see Tyra consider going over the fence.

Next: 45. 2/14/23: Duly Noted, Valentine’s Day

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