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February 16, 2023: Raise High the Roofbeams Carpenters

This lovely title is from one of J.D. Salinger’s books. I always liked it. I thought of it today when attempting to find out more about the Palmer Public Library roof collapse.

It happened yesterday, late afternoon, 5:45 p.m. Whoosh, Plunk. A portion of the roof collapsed. There were seven people in the building. They somehow got out of the building safely. I can only wonder what they thought prior to getting out of the building, then once they got out.

The word is that it’s (of course) not safe to go into the building. And it is thought that more of the roof might collapse.

I suspect that some are saying that the roof, which is flat, ought to have been shoveled. And I suspect that local building and homeowners are now wondering if their roofs are okay. Pete shoveled our roofs, all but the outhouse roof. I am usually in and out of there pretty quickly these days.

It is going to be some time before the library holdings are dealt with. The powers that be are going to have some tough decisions. I suspect that the building will be razed and that they will build a new one. I don’t know (nor does anyone else) what will become of the books. Just now, it occurred to me that it’s going to be some time before the salvageable books are salvaged.

I sent out two important emails today. One was to Logan Dillinger, our videographer – he’s nearly done with the trailer and is talking about making a documentary. And I also sent an email to Russ, who owns the two lots adjacent to the Meeting House. I told him all that’s going on – my hope (there’s that word I don’t believe in) is that after hearing about all we have going on and about the roof collapse that he will reconsider selling us his property. Yes, there are such things as miracles.

In the meantime, I continue to ask myself why I’m so obsessed with this project. No answers are materializing. So having no answers, I continue to take great pride in a job well done. Boxed books will soon be going to Utqiaġvik, Alaska, and down the road, to Eek, Alaska. It feels cool to know that we are making a difference in the lives of many.

I remember looking into the Gaylord at VCRS and seeing duplicate copies of young adult books and being unable to envision an audience for them. I’d have been surprised, had I known that in time, that yes, there was an audience for them.

Sunday, 3:00 p.m. train depot. There is going to be a fundraiser for the library. Raise High the Roofbeam Carpenter.

Next: 48. 2/17/23: Storm Squall

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