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March 18, 2024: Treading Water

The more that I have to do, the more that I feel like I’m treading water in deep seas. Pushing this analogy further, at the most extreme of times, I feel as though I am far out in the ocean, and in the midst of very large waves. I see them coming, take a deep breath, and exhale. I feel the immensity of the sea, as each waves crashes on top of me. Fortunately, I’m wearing a survival suit, and this keeps me from becoming hypothermic.

This analogy feels very apt. It is so vivid that I can’t handle movie scenes showing like comparisons. I read Sebastian Junger’s book, The Perfect Storm, but I could not get myself to watch the movie. I saw a trailer or two, and this unnerved me. I don’t have a fear of sharks, but I did not read the book or watch the movie “Jaws.” I guess I have an inherent sense of how dangerous the ocean can be.

Pam with Kaylene and Ignacio

I told a few people today that I’m no longer feeling overwhelmed. I have so much to do that the best I can do is do what is most pressing. This is a lot easier than picking and choosing. Picking and choosing. I can’t go into large grocery stores, because then I really am overwhelmed. There is just too much of everything. I prefer to have no choices and select, say, one type of toothpaste, shampoo, bar soap.

I am most definitely treading. It is like moving in slow motion. I am doing one task at a time. Today I coordinated the activities of seven volunteers as they cleaned, stamped, and categorized books. I was a traffic director of sorts. I kept everyone on task, and at the same time, I kept an eye on their social interactions. In my actions, I was striving for a broad-based definition of literacy. I think that today, I succeeded.

It was Pam’s birthday, so I had everyone sign her card, and I came in the door with a birthday cake that I found in the commodities offerings at the Palmer Senior Center. I also had Pete’s very healthy cookies on hand.

The high point of the hotel workday came when the arranged play date for two children materialized. Kaylene and Ignacio sorted, stamped, and cleaned books for a while. They did talk books some. At the same time, and equally importantly, they equated this activity with having fun with one another.

I straightened up and got ready for tomorrow, then came home. This evening, Pete and I worked together and looked at the business plan that Mike Walsh of the Foraker Group drew up. We revised some as we went along. At the same time, we designated tasks; Pete will do some and I will do others.

I says to Pete that I was glad that I had been working all along on the cargo tricycle grant. It’s now ready to share with my fellow students in his grant writing class.

I will be glad when the seas calm and my feet make contact with the ocean floor.

Next: 77. 3/19/24: Winter’s Last Gasp

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