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March 20, 2024: Crunch Time

I am very adept at time management. I have always done my work well in advance of when it was due. This was an attribute that served me well in school, and after, when I worked as a reporter. It’s the reason why I have been able to get more done than most people.

For the first time ever in my life, I have too much to do. I’m barely keeping up with the multitude of things that are on my plate. The plate is made of paper and it’s leaking. The whole mess is soon going to go plop, right on the floor.

EEEE yikes. I was very much aware of this today. I worked on the tricycle bicycle cargo mini bookmobile grant this morning, for a while going into the zone and forgetting about time. I finally glanced at my computer clock and realized that I had 45 minutes in which to do all that needed to be done and get to town. So I kept working and got the grant far enough along so as to share it with Pete’s students tomorrow.

I went the extra mile in working on this grant, revising two sections that would have been acceptable. This is what good writers do, and I am a good writer, that in terms of my due diligence.
I headed to town, met up with Robert who was just a few seconds ahead of me. He took my car and went to Anchorage, to Title Wave, and got at least 25 boxes of books. I helped him sort the boxes of fiction and nonfiction, then went to Tae Kwon Do class. I had a sparring lesson. I surprised my young partner in what seemed to him to be a show of strength. So, I lack coordination, but I have strength. This was not a surprise to me but seemed to be to everyone else.

Back to work. I unpacked 15 or so boxes of children’s books – this took me 2.5 hours. A major problem, I did not have enough boxes on hand – I got innovative. I found boxes here and there.

I got home, met Pete in the driveway. He says that we may be eligible for AmeriCorps staff. If this happens, then I may end up with a work buddy. I hope I get along with this person. It would be great to have another partner in this venture – I say another because Pete is the best partner ever. Last night we divvied up the business plan tasks.

It’s now 9:22 p.m. I am going to work for another two hours on editing my portion of the business plan. This won’t be near as hard as coming up with an original draft.

I do not know what to think about grant writing and the cognitive functions that are involved, as compared to creative writing. I am drawing a blank on this one. I will have to think about this further – in my spare time.

Next: 79. 3/21/24: Spring

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