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Trip Dispatch #23: Friday, June 10: Stock Tank to Antelope Creek: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it

The day began with a nice, long downhill stretch to Highway 114. I told Pete that he hadn’t told me that we’d have to travel alongside the highway, to which he said that I’d need to get my ears cleaned. I could see RVs, semis, and motorcycles at the distance. The highway ride was easier than I thought it would be since the ditch trail was a ways from the main road. The horses, who are now used to such things, paid the noise little mind. We kept an eye out, but couldn’t find the turnoff trail to the Upper Saquache Crossing Guard Station.

Three miles out, we called it good and rode back to the intersection. It was then that a man on a four-wheeler appeared. He first provided Pete with a roundabout way of getting to where we were going, a route that would both involve our traveling on Rte. 114 and crossing a highway bridge. We all continued to chat, and we told him a bit about our trip thus far. He then softened, and gave us permission to take a safer, and shorter, route across his land. It was a flat, gentle route, complete with old stage coach station ruins; in fact, the route he directed us to was the old stage coach trail.

After lunch, at the Guard Station, we continued to ride alongside private property; open land, and rolling hills dotted with rocks and pines. We met up with a group of 32 geology students and their teachers, from the Colorado School of Mines. Rainbow ran over to say hello, which was a good sign. Most asked innumerable questions about us, our horses, and our trip. Raudi, who was ravenous, paid them little mind. But Signy and Siggi were their usual congenial selves.

Next: Dispatch #24: The Signy's Ride

Coming down from Moon Pass
Coming down from Moon Pass

Antelope Creek campsite
Antelope Creek campsite