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September 29, 2022: When Tunes run through your Head

Tunes do not run through my head. Instead, they walk, meandering here and there and really going no place in particular. I hear a word or phrase and a partial tune comes to mind. Also, partial lyrics. I can hear a song a dozen times and never get the entire melody/wording down.

So I sing refrains, over and over. I sing to Swampy after I milk her – I think she’s getting tired of the same four tunes. Poor thing.

Pete, who’s musical ear is far more developed than mine, will whistle or sing a tune, and not leave any notes out. I listen to him and wonder how it is that he’s this way. He’s also unaware that he has this gift; either that or has decided not to follow up on it. His brother Pat has the same gift that Pete has – and has acted upon it to a certain degree. And all Pat’s kids are very musical, with Emily now getting her Ph.D. in music composition at Columbia University.

Sutton General Store box

Me, I got the tin ear.

However, I am moved at times by what I hear. Tonight I again listened to Iz’s Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World – something I do every so often. It’s an incredible ukulele tune, played by an incredible individual. I hear it and I see Icelandic horses running across the landscape. I wish my horses could be so free.

I have not been spending much time with them. I have been cleaning up after all four and feeding them and letting them all graze in the yard. And I have been taking Tinni for his daily walks. Doing this is calming. And I hope this reassures them that we are still connected.

And so, the question is, how to again find that illusive balance between horse and book project time? I’m not sure. It’s also going to be harder now because it’s getting colder and soon it will snow. This summer was a bust, horse-wise.

In the meantime, the book project has truly acquired a life of its own. We are a known entity, and as such, we have set up a successful distribution program. Proof lies in the fact that while space is tight in the Meeting House, that there is still space for more books. Today three of four boxes of books were taken to Meadow Lakes. I was approached for these books. And I got an email tonight – we borrowed back our newspaper box from the Sutton General Store – the owner sent me an email wondering where it might be. People want books.

But my horse life – I keep hoping that someone around here acquires Icelandic horses and that we become friends and go riding together. This is the only horse related thing I am lacking. I am also well aware that horses age faster than humans, meaning that time’s a-wasting.

Well, I worked hard today at the Meeting House, so barring the unforeseen, rain, I will be spending my day with my horses tomorrow. I just have to make this a priority.

Next: 268. 9/30/22: As I write This

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