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May 3, 2023: Weather Whoas

Today, snow and rain mixed falling. More snow than rain here. Overcast. Wet cold. But this is, I reminded myself, spring, not winter weather. If the conditions were like this in October, I would know winter was on the way. It does though, seem like the flip side of the coin.

I was just glad that the road surfaces were not freezing up. Yes, this happens in October.

It was another long, hard day of work. It began with the obligatory trip to the dentist. I had posts put in where two teeth used to be. One of them, you recall, was Toothy McTooth. It was fractured.

Shelving in the Meeting House basement

I waited until I could wait no longer before having it extracted. I should have had it done sooner, but I put off the inevitable for as long as I could. The other tooth, it was removed some time ago then a bridge was put in. Then the bridge was removed. So I had two gaps, spaces for two implants.

I have been to the dentist several times in preparation for these two implants. Today he took out and then reinserted two differing posts. He also said that he decided to have the lab make my two implants – so it will be a few weeks before I have them put in.

And, of course, I need to have another implant put in on the other side. No implants were put in today. One and two will go in when they come back from the lab. This will go in in July after my insurance rolls over.

Too bad I can’t say “roll over” and have the insurance roll over now.

I next went (with Pete) to the Meeting House where I then went to U-Haul and picked up some kids’ books. I took them back to the Meeting House and unloaded them, then loaded up hard back fiction, which I took to the senior center.

I put the books on the shelves – and noticed that the signage, the two taped BLBP bookmarks that I placed on their yesterday, were missing. I next went to the office and asked the young woman sitting behind a desk where they went and if I could put up signage. She said that she’d ask if I could do this.

She then took out a small pad and a pen and asked me particulars about what organization this was for, how long I’d been doing this, and my name. She then said she’d pass this information on to Tim.

I wanted to praise her and tell her what a good bean counter she was – especially being so young, but I did not. I suspect that I won’t be able to have any signage there.

The senior center is in a world of hurt. First, they cut out the lunches, and now they are raising the rent of those who live in senior housing. No one, no one likes the administration. I keep telling people things will change because change is a constant.

Next: 122. 5/4/23: Yikes

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