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June 6, 2023: When words Escape Me

I chase them, that is when I have enough energy. When I do not, and now is such a time, I allow my mind to go blank and wait for a more opportune time to resume the chase. Sometimes I catch and latch onto these words, and sometimes I don’t. If I am to break this into numerical variables, I’d say that it’s a 50-50 proposition.

I woke up way too early, and then read until I felt like getting up. This, combined with periods of wakefulness, left me feeling very tired. That it is another overcast day, with the sky spitting, has added to my malaise.

I got a call early this morning, as I was heading out the door. It was the new owner of the land adjacent to Palmer Senior Center. He was responding to my call about the land. I got his number off the for lease sign.

Recall that we attempted to acquire the land some time ago. The fellow who returned my call was very congenial – not at all a shyster, and genuinely interested in working with the BLBP board on the acquisition of this land.

I now have a script in my head, one in which I quickly access when talking about the project, be it with a newspaper reporter or with someone wanting to donate or acquire books. I have given this elevator speech dozens of times now, so it has engrained a pathway in my brain. This pathway is a very deep groove and has side walls.

So I gave my speech, and I must say, he had to be impressed. I can and did throw facts at him like hand grenades. We ended with us both agreeing to keep in touch.

I later told Robert about this – I think now, after having put so much energy into our move, that he found it difficult to wrap his mind around this possibility. This is a truism, we in fact have not yet unpacked the books from their boxes at the hotel. Me, I see possibilities here because I am a flexible visionary. I could, if need be, abandon the purchasing the hotel idea.

There are going to be things we are going to have to deal with beforehand. One is going to be cost, and how much time the owner will give us before we have to pay up. The second thing is fundraising. We have a small board and I’m not sure that we’ll have the volunteers needed in order to get a fundraising campaign going.

We’ll see. Robert and I agreed that negotiation with the potential seller is something that Pete will do well. Me, I’m good at keeping the ball rolling.

After cleaning books and after a café meeting with Robert, I retrieved books, and then distributed them.

There, I corralled the necessary words. Now it is time to recharge my batteries before heading outside.

Next: 156. 6/7/23: Out to Lunch

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