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July 24, 2023: Just Another Day

It’s late. I should be off the computer by now. For some reason, writing my daily dispatch has become the last thing that I do before taking a shower. Used to be the first thing that I did. Who knows? I might go full circle and again it will be the first thing I do. But this isn’t likely – the first thing I do is get dressed and then tend to all the animals. It would feel strange to do otherwise.

A very full day. It began with my doing distributing for a woman who used to do it regularly but now is unable to complete this task. Makes for more work for me. The best thing of all is that the entire Palmer distribution route is close to the Historic Eagle Hotel.

I was supposed to meet up with my friend Timothy at the Historic Eagle Hotel, but I missed him because I spent too much time organizing the books in the Department of Motor Vehicles bookcase.

I did resume work in the former banquet room of the Eagle Hotel – I got the nonfiction section, presidents, organized. I did not organize the World War I or II books – this is just too arduous a task for me – so I’ll let Pete, who said he’d take care of it, take care of it.

I went home early because Pete and I were scheduled to go for a ride with our friend Judy. She arrived as we were saddling up the mares. She rode Raudi, I rode Tyra, and Pete rode Hrimfara. We went to Grizzly Camp. Amazingly, the trail going uphill, to the camp, was overgrown.

The horses did amazingly well – Raudi showed Judy what a willful individual she is by barging across the pond creek. Nothing eventful occurred. Always, going down the Grizzly Camp hill, I remember the first time I went down it, on Tinni, with a group. I was then really scared. Now, by having gone up and down that hill so many times, it just seemed like a matter of routine.

It was overcast – Pete and I think that perhaps there were fires in Siberia and the smoke is now blowing our way.

After the ride, we three stood talking for a long time with Bill about not much in particular – pig stories. Pete and I seemed to have our share of those. I tested the water for getting one. Pete again said no, directly and indirectly. If we had the place for it, I’d have geese and pigs. If there was a pond, I’d have fish. If there was a pasture, I’d have sheep and get a young border collie. You never know, change is a constant.

After dinner (left over pizza), I went back to the Historic Eagle Hotel. Now if I had a junker car, I would not have considered this. Instead, I have a very nice car. I started sorting and categorizing the trail books and was joined by Alicia and her son Clark, who assisted me in cleaning books.

Next: 203. 7/25/23: Humid

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