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March 15, 2023: Middle of the Month

How’d it happen? That it’s already March 15th. Whoosh. It started out at the beginning of the month with the weather being good. It was a ruse, put forth by Mother Nature. Moderate winds, cold, but sunny. I’m tired of winter. But then I was tired of winter in December. I am so looking forward to spring, which more and more seems to me to be magical. I can hardly wait to again ride our trails and smell the cottonwoods and see the robins. And it will be a great deal when I look up at the sky and see the geese, cutting across the sky in their always ragged formation. I’ve heard said that the leader is a female. This makes perfect sense to me.

At the Senior Center

What doesn’t make sense to me is that geese are hunting fodder. Why is this? It makes me angry to think about this – geese are migratory birds, flying thousands of miles in both directions. Can’t hunters honor this?

In the meantime, I am keeping my shoulder to the wheel and pushing most of the time. And so is Pete. We’ve both been working really hard on the BLBP. Sometimes I wish it was a BLT, with fake bacon, of course. We are getting more assistance, but we are still the one’s putting in most of the hours.

Today I got three quarters of the books that we brought home the other day from Kids Kupboard sorted and categorized. Pete had a budget meeting. Then after, he worked on the third downstairs bookshelf. I got boxes ready to put on them.

We keep hoping that property with or without a building will materialize. Some of the properties that we liked, either leased or sold – the Winter Arctic Games are now leasing two buildings, one being the former feed store on the road out of town. We checked out leasing it. It was very expensive and the owner was not willing to cut us a deal. And the Palmer Public Library, via the city powers that be, have also found a place in town.

It is not as though we don’t have any money. We just don’t have big money. Big money talks and small money whimpers.

My question is – when are we going to find what we’re looking for? I just thought of this – maybe it will never materialize. Maybe we will remain in the Meeting House not just indefinitely, but forever.

Well my track record is good – I have yet to send books to the shredders because we don’t have enough room for them. Some do have an expired shelf life, and I’m finally accepting of this.

Now tomorrow Pete is going bicycling out at the Knik Glacier. I will be going to work. Pete is on vacation and deserves to do something fun. I do not get paid, so it stands to reason that I don’t get vacations.

The shoulder that’s pushing the wheel is getting sore. Well, there is always the other one. Then when the other one recovers, I can resume using it.

Next: 75. 3/16/23: Strange Astrological Zones

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