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April 2, 2023: A Conversation with Hrimfara

The following conversation took place today, while out on a road ride.

Alys: Hrimmi, what a beautiful day.
Hrimmi: Yes, it’s good to get out.
A: How about we trot some?
H: I don’t think so.
A: The faster we go, the faster we’ll get home.
H: Right now, we have other things to think about.
A: Such as?
H: Look behind you.
A: Why are you stopping?
H: I say, look behind you.
A: Holy shit.
H: Holy shit is right.

Hrimmi grazing in Wyoming

A: Where did that dog come from?
H: Look back down the road.
A: Oh, someone let it out, thinking that it needed some exercise.
H: It’s one ugly dog.
A: I’ll say so. Looks like a boxer with a pit bull’s head.
H: If it gets any closer, I’ll kick it.
A: (Turning in the saddle) Git!
H: I don’t think its name is Git!
A: Git means get out of here.
H: Yeah, I know. This isn’t the first time this has happened.
A: Look – it worked – it’s heading back to the car.
H: Oh well then, it’s name must be Git!
A: A lot of them have this name.
H: But they don’t know this.
A: Good girl. Let’s get a move on.
H: Oh, all right.
A: You are alerting again.
H: You mean you don’t see it?
A: See what?”
H: The moose off to our left.
A: No, I don’t see the moose.
H: It’s lying down, under the spruce trees.
A: I still don’t see it.
H: Well, it’s lying down, so it won’t do us any harm.
A: So now you are the expert on moose?
H: Yes, I’m glad you acknowledged this.
A: Why are you stopping?
H: Can’t you hear it?
A: Hear what?
H: Listen up.
A: All I hear are snowmobiles.
H: Yes. And they are getting closer.
A: Look, out in the field. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
H: They’re getting closer.
A: I don’t think they’re going to come onto the road because the snow and ice is nearly gone.
H: You’re right. There they go.
A: Good riddance.
H: I don’t understand why humans take such joy in riding those things.
A: Me neither.
H: They smell, and they are noisy.
A: Some would say that I’m projecting my thoughts about this onto you.
H: No, not this time. They are really obnoxious.
A: Just a few more weeks of this.
H: I’m getting bored with road riding. When are we going to get back onto the trails?
A: When the snow melts and the ground hardens up.
H: And when will this be?
A: Mid may.
H: That’s when the geese will return.
A: Yes.
H: And the robins.
A: Yes.
H: And I’ll again have access to fresh grass.
A: Yes.
H: I can hardly wait. It’s been a long winter.
A: I agree.
H: We are getting close to home.
A: Let’s trot.
H: Yes, let’s trot.

Next: 92. 4/3/23: This Evening

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