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April 10, 2023: I Was Right

But I was a day late. I presumed that the sun would come out yesterday afternoon. Instead, it remained overcast and kept on snowing. Yeech. It was overcast and snowing this morning, but less so. A day late, and yes, the sun peeked through the clouds early in the afternoon. A welcome sight, as was the warmth of the sun.

So Pete and I went to the Meeting House. Pete went food shopping, and I packed up the books in the women’s health and pregnancy bookcase. Then together we went to My House, a

Alys sorting books at VCRS

nonprofit that provides for families and individuals in need, and dropped off the bookcase and eight boxes of books.

These were the books and bookcase that was on the second floor of the Koslosky Building.

It’s nice to know that bookcase and books are now in the hands of an appreciative and more specific audience. It came to me as I was making BLBP phone calls, that I should contact My House and see if they wanted the books. I hadn’t thought of any other place.

The currently empty wall space was previously occupied by the spirituality books. The bookcase that held these books is now in the Turkey Red restaurant lobby. Bill took it there and painted it red. The Sutton Post Office revolving bookcase was there for a while; the postmaster had requested that we move it. He changed his mind and now the revolving bookcase is back in Sutton, in the space it previously occupied.

Pete and I decided that getting the shelving and kids’ books out of the Meeting House kids’ room was a good idea. The problem was that our footprint had gotten too large. So today I moved the books out of the kids’ room and into the library room. Pete will put up the shelving this weekend. I am going to move the Alaskana and rare books downstairs and put the kids’ books on the library room shelves.

The Sutton Post Office and Vagabond Blues relocations were a lot of work for Bill. And the Meeting House relocations are going to be a lot of work for me. The question that is now at the forefront of my mind is, why do we persist in doing what is clearly a Sisyphean task? I said to someone that I felt on some days like I was pushing a snowball up a steep hill with my nose. Meanwhile, the project seems like a snowball that’s gathering momentum as its going down a steep downhill.

No, I cannot figure out why I am doing this. Moving books around day in and day out is wearing me out physically and mentally. And no one, it seems, when it comes to finishing a task, has what I have, that is single minded intensity of focus.

It has also occurred to me that if I abandon ship that I’ll become the laughingstock of this entire community.

I don’t know. And not knowing what to do is very humbling.

Next: 100. 4/11/23: Pete, Downstairs Cooking Dinner

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